Back to School
Our country seems to be falling apart today as we watch the news about the Capitol being breached by protesters that are upset about the circumstances surrounding the election. But I’m going to pretend none of that is going on right now and write my blog about happy things. 😊 Starting with our Josey had a birthday yesterday! 
Now I normally don’t do niece and nephew birthday posts except when I’m talking about the party because it’s too many to keep up with. 😉 But being that everything is virtual right now, I felt like we were as much a part of the birthday as we could be this year and it deserved a note. We sent a gift home with Rachel at Christmas and she FaceTimed to open it. And I let Katie stay on the iPad a little later than normal for a school night and they played for hours. She was so cute and excited. She even tried on her new tutu for us.

Gypsy definitely didn’t mind. She thinks the bean bag is a huge dog bed

Only 18 more weeks.... but who’s counting. 😉
Now I normally don’t do niece and nephew birthday posts except when I’m talking about the party because it’s too many to keep up with. 😉 But being that everything is virtual right now, I felt like we were as much a part of the birthday as we could be this year and it deserved a note. We sent a gift home with Rachel at Christmas and she FaceTimed to open it. And I let Katie stay on the iPad a little later than normal for a school night and they played for hours. She was so cute and excited. She even tried on her new tutu for us.
Katie had her first allergy shots yesterday and did great. She’ll go weekly and she gets 4 shots each time, 2 in each arm. The nurse asked if she was nervous and she just shrugged her shoulders and said, “well I’m not getting rid of my cat so let’s do this.” LOL. We had to wait for 30 minutes after to be sure she didn’t have a reaction (most likely time if it will happen). And she needs to be in sight for 4 hours after each week. During that 30 minutes the nurse came in to talk to me about anaphylacis and how to use an epipen. She said that four hour window is when a reaction would most likely happen but it really could be anytime within 24 hours. Now I know that’s not likely but you better believe this Mama was watching like a hawk! One of the 4 shots got pretty swollen, hard and hot so I documented it to show them. The informational packet says if that happens they’ll probably keep the same dose for that one for a couple of weeks until it stops. Well that 24 hour mark couldn’t get out of my mind so she and I ended up sleeping in the living room together so that I could check on her.
Gypsy definitely didn’t mind. She thinks the bean bag is a huge dog bed
And of course Monday was also back to school. Nobody, including the teacher, was ready. We all really enjoyed our lazy days. But it was time and we got going and back in routine pretty quickly.
Only 18 more weeks.... but who’s counting. 😉
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