Birthday Week

Tomorrow is the actual birthday but we have been celebrating this week. It started last Sunday with our “Picadilly Night.” Lillian said one day a couple of weeks ago that she really wished we could go to Picadilly. I know the food isn’t gourmet but she loves the choices and I mostly think she likes the memory of it because the only times we go are good times. We would always stop and eat there on the way down to Baton Rouge when we picked up Peggy. And once a year we went with Yaya after we took our Santa Claus pictures in the mall. My Mom used to take us there almost every Sunday after church too. It wasn’t fancy, but everyone in her Sunday school class would go with their kids and I guess it was good for groups so it is comforting to me too. So since we can’t go there... we brought Picadilly to her. I made carrot soufflé, green beans, mashed potatoes and macaroni. Plus Matt fried cod and we had Lilli’s favorite rolls. Oh and jello of course!

There was the whole experience of them going through the line with their trays and everything. It was fun and the food was definitely better than the real thing.

On Monday, Hailey and the boys came over to play and get her birthday present. It was a holiday so we took advantage of no school. 

Of course the week was normal, but Friday was special because Jimmy came in town to celebrate with her. He brought all of the gifts from the Baton Rouge family and the homemade kings cakes Pops had made for her. It was too rainy for a porch dinner so we went to a restaurant for the first time since last March. The temperature was in the 50s so we were the only ones out there which was just fine with me. 

It was so nice of him to make this drive just to see us and we had a really nice visit. 

And today, I rented a whole theater for us to be able to go the movies. This is also a first since last March. If you know us, you know we love the movies and especially the popcorn! And 10 months was a long time to go without. It was weird to pretty much have a restaurant to ourselves on Friday and definitely for the theater to be empty. We had invited Hailey and the boys, but they had plans and also Kelli and Lily, but Lily originally said Jurassic World was too scary for her. But 10 minutes before we left, Kelli said they were coming and Lillian was excited! It made it feel like more a birthday celebration. They had the Moms sit on a separate row and we had them put a few seats between them. It was fun and something I’d do again for a special occasion. 

We’ll “skip” school tomorrow and she’ll get some one on one time with Yaya too. A good week for the almost 11 year old!


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