End of the Season

Well... it’s officially the end of another duck season and it was a good one. It’s always Matt’s favorite time of year but definitely not the same as usual. Of course he loves the times with his Dad and brothers but this was the first time he didn’t have several weekends with friends and he missed that. But hopefully next year it will all be back to normal! 

We had a mostly lazy weekend but I did get a bunch accomplished around the house and we had a good time at Josh and Hailey’s house Friday evening. We hadn’t really been over there to hang out since they first moved in and we had a lot of fun! 

We played with chickens, rode bikes in the porch, jumped on the trampoline and went for a ride to see some amphibian eggs. We came home with a bunch of fresh eggs and some new “pets” that are yet to be determined exactly what they are. 🤷‍♀️

The rest of the week was normal. Just school, allergy shots, art class...

nothing crazy but we did too a cool experiment the girls liked. 

And Katie taught herself some new gymnastics tricks 

Hopefully soon I’ll have more exciting things to blog about. 😜


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