Happy Birthday Lillian!
We celebrated the birthday for real this time and it was a great day! Lilli slept in until around 8:00 and got up to the decorated breakfast area and her gifts. It was the first time to decorate a birthday chair in this house. ❤️
Katie was excited because she got a gift on Lilli’s birthday too. They loved their blankets with the pets faces on them. She got that, money, gift cards, clothes, books... most of the family had sent gifts so she really racked up! Yaya came around 10:00 with more gifts and to take Lillian shopping. They got plants at Lowe’s and art supplies at Hobby Lobby before lunch at Sonic.

Katie and I did puzzles, had a tea party with the animals and watched movies while they were gone. The nice thing about homeschooling is we don’t have to answer to anyone when we declare a birthday a holiday. 😊

She said she had one of the best birthdays ever, and other than wearing a mask, it felt completely normal. I spent the day enjoying the time off and wondering how she got to be 11. I enjoyed looking back at the pictures over the years on Timehop.

Oh they grow too fast. 😢❤️😊
Katie was excited because she got a gift on Lilli’s birthday too. They loved their blankets with the pets faces on them. She got that, money, gift cards, clothes, books... most of the family had sent gifts so she really racked up! Yaya came around 10:00 with more gifts and to take Lillian shopping. They got plants at Lowe’s and art supplies at Hobby Lobby before lunch at Sonic.
Katie and I did puzzles, had a tea party with the animals and watched movies while they were gone. The nice thing about homeschooling is we don’t have to answer to anyone when we declare a birthday a holiday. 😊
Matt took her to Petsmart for more fish for the aquarium after work. When they got back I had dinner ready. It was her favorite... fried deer meat, mashed potatoes with white gravy, and rolls. Followed by chocolate sheet cake and ice cream.
She said she had one of the best birthdays ever, and other than wearing a mask, it felt completely normal. I spent the day enjoying the time off and wondering how she got to be 11. I enjoyed looking back at the pictures over the years on Timehop.
1 and 11... crazy these are 10 years apart
Oh they grow too fast. 😢❤️😊
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