Field Day Fun

The last few days have been very busy for Kathleen. It started yesterday with the homeschool Field Day at the YMCA. We met her new friend, Ella, there and they had the best time. 
They had the long jump, egg toss, sack race relay, sponge bucket relay, 40 yard dash and tug of war. She won 3rd place in the long jump out of 8 and 9 year old girls and her relay team won the sponge race. There were about 30- 3rd graders, so a pretty good turnout. 

We came home and had a little rest before Heather picked her and Landry up for a sleepover at Britney’s house last night. 

They played on a bounce house and Heather made a cardboard house from appliance boxes, and then they all slept on the pullout couch which is HUGE for KJ because she’s pretty picky about sharing a bed with anyone but Mama 😉
Lillian enjoyed being an “only child” for a night so we took her out to eat and came home and watched a movie together

I got to Heather’s about 9:00 this morning to pick the girls up for their soccer game but they had a whole other plan in mind. Britney ended up coming home with us and going to the game

Then after, they played at our house for a couple of hours, and then went to Landry’s house to swim. The 3 girls got to spend over 24 hours together and had time at each of their houses so I think they had fun. It’s 7:00 and Kathleen is already out! And Heather just texted me that Britney is too. 😂 I’m thankful for her sweet friends and love that she had a great time. 


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