Summer is Here!

Even though yesterday was technically the last day of school, our girls last day was Wednesday. 

Lilli was sick Monday, skipped field day Tuesday, and only went for the 2 hour awards ceremony Wednesday 

so that we could leave for Baton Rouge. So her last day of work was really last Thursday (she went to Medieval Times Friday). She finished up the year strong! 3.9 GPA, National Honor Society, Talented Art and Theatre, Art club, 4-H, student council… we are very proud of her work!
And Katie did great too! We may not have a bunch of awards but she has hit all of the Louisiana standards for even 4th grade in math and reading so she is well ahead of public school. We are very proud of all of her too! 

Today was the first day of no morning alarms and getting to do what we wanted, and everyone did just that. Kelli and I both love Downton Abbey so we went to see it today for opening day

And the girls spent the day swimming at the lake with Yaya. Kelli and I had not gotten to catch up in forever because she just finished her first year back to school and starts her physical therapy assistant program in June. I’d missed her so it was an especially nice morning. The girls got to start their summer doing exactly what they’d choose if they could choose anything in the world. Some one on one time, playing with Yaya at the lake. I need to get over there soon too! We are looking forward to many more lazy pool days in the near future.


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