Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Moms but especially the ones who are like Moms to me. I have some of the best! 

I always miss my Mom on Mother’s Day but I’m fortunate to have a stepmom, mother in law, and grandmother that love me very much. But today I am most thankful for my two that made me a Mom. 

Part of me wishes we could have been in Baton Rouge to celebrate with the family because it was also Ryan’s birthday yesterday and Jen’s today

But we had a great day too. I woke up to some sweet cards from Matt and the girls and I had to take some pics to save them.

All I wanted was a family day and gave them a choice between going to a movie together or going to a Tech softball game and it was a unanimous choice to go to the game. I thought Lillian would enjoy watching a college game now that she’s getting in to the sport and it was a lot of fun. 

I tried getting tickets to a baseball game but they are sold out for the whole season. It all worked out to watched the girls though because we would have never had armed, backed chairs, in the shade, directly behind home plate at a baseball game. They were losing for most of it and the score was 7-3 USM at the bottom of the 7th. We decided to get up from our seats to take some pics and watch the last at bat near the exit and I’m so glad we stayed, because we got to watch them come back and win it 8-7! 

Everyone had a great time and Matt said he really enjoyed an afternoon at the ball field; it had been a long time. It was a great day and we will end it with a family movie night. I hope every Mom out there enjoyed their day as much as I did. 


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