Happy Halloween!
We have had a great few days celebrating Halloween. It started with Landry coming in town to visit. Her Dad and Noah were going to their camp, so they dropped her off on the way. I took Lillian, Katie, Landry and Sadie to Surge on Saturday morning for a treat since she was in town. We came back and had some rest time-for me and Lil at least, the others never quit!- before going to the annual Garcia Zombie Apocalypse party. I didn’t get many pics at the party, but there were probably 20 kids and almost as many adults. The kids ran around playing outside for 3 hours while I got to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile. On Sunday, me and Kelli went to see the new Julia Roberts and George Clooney movie for some alone adult time, and I came back and we carved pumpkins and watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown together. Katie did her first one alone! Bottom left is Matt, and bottom right is Katie. Around the time we were carving pumpkins, Lillian mentioned her throat hurt. She...