Start of Fall Break
When we saw Shanon and Alex back in July, we decided we had to make more of an effort to see each other and made plans to go visit them at the start of fall break. Matt’s normal annual checkup is in August, but we rescheduled for this week and make it a long weekend. We got there Saturday morning and spent the whole time vegging and hanging out, which is exactly what we wanted to do. 

We walked down to the park in their neighborhood both days, and they cooked every meal. We had a great time just hanging out and catching up.

The girls had never seen Houston Methodist or met his doctor so that was kind of cool. I felt like I needed to give them a tour, but Matt is always ready to get out of that place as quick as possible (understandably!)

And she will have Britney tomorrow. It’s been a nice break so far!
We walked down to the park in their neighborhood both days, and they cooked every meal. We had a great time just hanging out and catching up.
On Monday, they had to work so we went to the store near their house to stock up on some of the delicious things they’d been cooking us, and then went to lunch before Matt’s appointment.
The girls had never seen Houston Methodist or met his doctor so that was kind of cool. I felt like I needed to give them a tour, but Matt is always ready to get out of that place as quick as possible (understandably!)
We got home about 6:00 Monday evening, and it was back to work for both of us on Tuesday. I’m grateful that mine gets to be from home, and that a break from school means half days for me, but it’s still been a busy one because Pam is out of town for 2 weeks. I wanted the kids to have some fall break fun though and told them they could have friends over. Lillian has decided that she doesn’t need to see anyone this week and just wants to chill 😊, but Katie had Sadie over for a sleepover last night
And she will have Britney tomorrow. It’s been a nice break so far!
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