Happy Halloween!

We have had a great few days celebrating Halloween. It started with Landry coming in town to visit. Her Dad and Noah were going to their camp, so they dropped her off on the way. I took Lillian, Katie, Landry and Sadie to Surge on Saturday morning for a treat since she was in town.

We came back and had some rest time-for me and Lil at least, the others never quit!- before going to the annual Garcia Zombie Apocalypse party.

I didn’t get many pics at the party, but there were probably 20 kids and almost as many adults. The kids ran around playing outside for 3 hours while I got to catch up with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile. 

On Sunday, me and Kelli went to see the new Julia Roberts and George Clooney movie for some alone adult time, and I came back and we carved pumpkins and watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown together.

Katie did her first one alone! Bottom left is Matt, and bottom right is Katie. Around the time we were carving pumpkins, Lillian mentioned her throat hurt. She’s on day seven of an antibiotic for strep so I thought it had to just be allergies. But by 7 o’clock last night she was down. It came on fast, and I had a feeling it was the flu, and a test at the doctor this morning confirmed that. So we spent the day watching shows together while I worked and she had to miss out on trick or treating for the 1st time ever

Our zombie gymnast and “girl with the flu.” She was disappointed that she couldn’t walk around with us, but I did carry a bucket for her and our neighbors gave extra candy when they heard she was sick.

It was our first time to trick or treat in our neighborhood and we were pleasantly surprised. Lots of houses had lights on and they got some good candy.(I took my Mama tax of course😉)  It was probably the most laid-back Halloween we’ve ever had, but it was still a good one. It was definitely a different year for us. When the kids were little, Halloween was a whole season that lasted all month. We had tons of traditions of fall festivals, the corn maze, and usually carved pumpkins more than once. They do still like those things, but they aren’t as much of a priority in this new season of life with them a little older. I do miss the small kid days, but there’s something to be said for being able to have real conversations with Katie, and staying up until midnight on the weekends watching movies with Lillian. Every season has its good times and I’m definitely enjoying the one we are in. 

Here is our Halloween through the years. I’m just missing my nine month old poodle in 2010. ❤️


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