Last Week

I finally have Internet back in my house after 6 long days! I feel like I need to update on what went on in Lilli's life.  Nothing too crazy but I am planning to make a book at the end of the year as kind of a yearbook of our family so don't want to leave anything out. 

Life went back to normal on Monday after our wonderful week away in Belize.  Lily came back and my Lilli was very happy to see her.  Monday and Tuesday we went to the spray park in our neighborhood .  The weather has been perfect and I wanted to take advantage of it.  I think the girls were happy with that decision!
It was all fun and games until Lilli got hurt.  She slipped and went face first in to the concrete pushing a tooth through her lower lip.
It doesn't look that bad in the picture but it did need stitches.  The nurse talked the doctor in to using a glue instead though because "she is a girl and we don't want her to have a scar." Haha, love her nurses.  She milked it for the day but was really ok. 

The next day was her first ballet class.  She went to dance camp over this summer but this was her first weekly class.  She loved it just as much as she did last month!

Our weekend was the last one we're going to have with the 3 of us for a while.  You see, hunting season starts next week so, from now until the end of January, her Daddy is going to be at the camp.  He let me plan our "family fun weekend" with whatever we wanted to do.  We started by driving up the deer camp on Saturday for a picnic and to see how the house is coming.  It's almost done! They're going to be moving in very soon.
Picnic in the dove field

Kid Room
Our Room
It was a really nice morning.  We went back to the house for naps and then went to dinner just the 3 of us that night. 
On Sunday we went to lunch together and then to the lake after church.  Lilli told Matt earlier in the week that she wanted to go fishing so he was happy to make that happen.

First Fish!

She was so excited she was shaking! They caught a total of 9.  After all of that excitement we cooled off in the pool and then sat and visited with Yaya and Cap'n for a bit.  As we were driving home I thought about how lucky all of our kids really are.  Saturday was spent riding a six wheeler and having a picnic and then Sunday was spent fishing and swimming.  And they can do that almost any time they want.  We are very fortunate to be able to make these amazing memories with our children and the rest of our family.  Thanks for letting us Yaya and Cap'n.  :)


  1. YaYa and Cap'n were VERY happy that you came to visit!! :) :) :)!!!


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