Surprise GranJan!

Last weekend was my sweet aunt Janice's 60th birthday.  Her husband and kids had been planning a surprise party and birthday weekend for about a month and she had no idea.  My cousin Kelly actually managed to surprise her 3 times! It started Friday afternoon.  Janice knew she and Kelly were going to get pedicures together but was completely shocked when her Mom, my Nana; her brother, my uncle Jimmy; our aunt Peggy (Papa's sister); and our nephew/cousin Luke walked in to the salon with her. 
First Surprise
Little did she know that meanwhile almost all of her other family members were on there way to Austin as well.  We all met at Kelly, Adam and Drew's new apartment on the campus.  Kelly starts seminary next month.  Janice thought they were meeting there before going to dinner that night so I think it's safe to say she was surprised when she walked in to a house full of people.

The dinner party was true.  We went to a really good restaurant in Austin that had great home style food and an even better atmosphere.  Just the family that night and really nice to catch up.

Saturday morning we all got up and went to Janice and Roy's house.  Most of us had not seen it before because they bought it less than a year ago and moved in even more recently than that.  We went to their neighborhood pool and ate lunch that Kelly and Adam had picked up for us.

That night was the 3rd surprise.  Janice thought we all had reservations at a restaurant on the lake called Oasis.  What we were really doing is going on a sunset boat ride on a party barge they had rented and quite a few of her friend had also driven in town to celebrate with her.  And this wasn't just any party barge.  It was a 2 story boat with a water slide! I wasn't sure if many people were going to get in to swimming in the lake but boy was I wrong!! It was so much fun.  Only the adults came too so it was really funny to see all of us sliding around like kids.

The party lasted until about 10:30 and then everyone was ready to head back to the hotel to get some rest.  Matt and I had a flight to catch the next morning and a lot of other family was leaving early too.  Don't feel too bad for those kids that didn't get to play on the boat.  It was too late for them (and more fun for the Moms and Dads to not have to chase after them) so Holman and Brandi's really sweet friends (either that or really crazy, haha) kept all 6 children as well as their 3 year old boy at their house.  The kids had a blast together and were much happier there I'm sure.


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