Christmas Eve

We had a very laid back Christmas Eve this year.  We went to Vivian and spent the afternoon with Yaya and Cap'n.  It was just the 4 of us because Josh and Hailey were with their other side of the family and Josey is thisclose to being here (yay!!) so Chad, Rachel and Austin were in Dallas.  We missed them a lot! It was the first year since Matt and I have been married that we weren't together at all for Christmas but we'll see them soon when we go meet that sweet girl. 

The kids (ok, all of us:) ) sat and listened to Yaya read The Night Before Christmas after eating gumbo and playing all afternoon. Then we came home and let the girls open their presents from us before church. 

We didn't get home till about 8:30 so we had to rush to get cookies out for Santa and get to bed so he could come.  I was shocked that they were both asleep by 9:00 considering how excited they were. That was a good thing because we had to get to bed too so he could come too.  :) 


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