Merry Christmas!

Santa came to our house last night and Lilli and Katie must have been good this year! 

They slept until close to 7:00 (late for us!) and were two very excited little girls when they walked out. We had a lazy day in our pjs spent playing with toys and watching movies

Then we finished the day with a delicious Christmas dinner.  Matt handled the meat and I made the sides. Prime rib with bernaise sauce, spinach madeline, mashed potatoes, corn casserole and rolls. I also made chocolate pie but we were too full to eat it! 

It was the first Christmas since Matt and I have been together that we stayed in one place all day on Christmas Day.  We did miss our families but heard from all of them and Yaya came by on her way to Dallas.  And I must say it was nice to not go anywhere and the girls were so happy and sweet all day. 

But as fun as Santa was and even as special as spending time with the family is, let's not forget what Christmas is really about
Merry Christmas! 


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