White Elephant Party

The girls and I drove down to Baton Rouge the day after Christmas to continue our holiday.  Matt was hunting and has to go back to work tomorrow and we are still here so he wasn't able to come. We got here Friday afternoon and went straight to Jen and Ryan's for a white elephant party.  A lot of the family didn't get to see each other on Christmas Day so this a treat for everyone.  We ate gumbo and then all 18 adults gathered in the living room for the gift exchange.  It was chaos but that's half the fun and a lot of us ended up with really good gifts. 

This is what KatieJane does with every bow. Of course everyone thought it was the cutest thing. 

And the kids didn't feel left out because some of their aunts and uncles hadn't given them gifts yet so they had some to open too. 

Then Saturday Jen, Michaelyn and I (Allie was working:( ) got to go to lunch and shopping while all the kids stayed at Pops' house.  That was a gift in itself! Then Janet cooked a delicious lasagna for the whole family to get together again and Lilli and Piper got to have a sleepover with Lizard.  

And today me, Pops, Jimmy and Theresa took all the kids (except Katie who stayed with Nana) to a movie.  It was nice to get to spend so much time together but I know the kids are exhausted.  They were both asleep before I told them they had to be! 


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