Craig Family Christmas

We had Christmas a "little" early on Sunday morning with my Dad and sisters and families.  The girls and I will go down to Baton Rouge the day after Christmas but Matt won't be with us so we celebrated early.  We started with brunch of a shrimp and grits casserole, fruit salad and Pops' rolls.  Then I convinced everyone to humor me for a couple of family pictures before we opened presents. 

Then came the fun part... We filled Dad's new living room full of wrapping and tissue paper in a matter of minutes and had some very excited kiddos.  

Then they all sat down to play with their new toys before we had to get back on the road to come home. 
It was a morning full of excitement and this one was out before we crossed the Mississippi River bridge.  
It was just the first day of a month of Christmas fun.  We have something planned every weekend up until the big day.  It's so fun watching their faces as they experience the magic. 


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