Thanksgiving 2014

We had a great 2 days spending time with family and friends for Thanksgiving. The kids were so great to watch.  Katie is getting big enough to play in the back with Lilli and Austin and they all play so sweet. 

On Wednesday Matt got a deer that we all watched him clean.  It was the first time Katie's been old enough to notice and it didn't phase her at all.  Of course Lilli was right there with him helping 

Thursday was Thanksgiving which meant turkey frying
Turkey candy making

And more playing

Lilli volunteered to say the blessing before lunch.  I told her she could but that Yaya was going to say one too because I was expecting her to say the  "God is great, God is good..." That we say every night.  I wish I had gotten her exact words recorded but to summarize it was, "dear God, thank for for all this food we have and the friends and family that are here to share it with." We figured that covered it and no one had anything to add. She really amazes me sometimes. (Ok, all the time)  :) 

And before we left on Friday me and the girls decorated with tree with Cap'n and Yaya. Cap'n cut it down at the farm that morning and we thought it turned out perfectly 


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