Christmas in Benton

Nana and Lizard came up for the weekend for a visit and to do something "Christmassy" with the girls.  I looked online and found several things in the area we could do but am so glad I stumbled on this festival in Benton.  It went all day but we got there around 1:00.  There was a school bus shuttle that ran from parking at the courthouse and dropped you off in the middle of everything.  We decided that was the way to go for both young and old of our group.  Lilli loved her first school bus ride and now is even more sure that's what she wants to do next year. 

The festival had all sorts of things from face painting 
Can you believe she sat still for this? 

Pictures with Santa
Lilli wasn't interested in seeing him again- I guess she had said all she needed to say. I was hoping Katie would be ok now that we have been talking about him but no luck.  

And then the day was topped off with a parade 

The whole square was lined with booths of people selling things like a farmers market.  There were also more kid things ranging from bounces houses to a cow train.  It was definitely a fun afternoon for all of us and we will go back next year. The best part was being able to share it with Nana and Lizard.  We were so thankful they made the trip to come spend some time with us.  


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