Getting excited

We have been counting down since 80something days and now it’s almost here! In 4 days we will be checking in at DFW and ready for our trip. We have the dolphin encounter booked for Tuesday and the kids are beyond excited. Especially when I told them this was a real picture I took of the ocean the last time we were there. 

For now it’s life as usual. I thank God for good friends because I’m not sure how I would do it without them. Lillian had her DI party yesterday afternoon celebrating their win

But at that same time I had to be at a church board meeting and then straight to Katie‘s first soccer practice of the season. One friend picked her up from the party and brought her to my neighbor who then met me at soccer practice.

It’s hard when you need to be two or three places at once. I’m definitely ready for this vacation and a chance to relax for a few days. I know Matt is too. Of course he was at work which is why he couldn’t help with pickups and then he decided to go check on some things at the camp and this is how my bed always ends up when he’s gone.

I don’t mind at all though. I know one day they won’t climb into my bed again then I’m sure I’ll miss these days.


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