Growing Up On Me

It’s hard to believe that in less than 2 months Miss Kathleen will be “graduating” kindergarten and done with her first year of big kid school. She’s looking bigger too and her hair is getting long

I LOVE those curls. I wish she didn’t wear it in a ponytail everyday. I’m making her leave it down for cap and gown pictures Wednesday.

One thing that’s making her look even older is she got her ears pierced on Friday. We didn’t get home until late Thursday and at 9AM Friday we were meeting Yaya at the dermatologist office. 

She said it hurt worse than she was expecting but there were no tears and 2 hours later she said she could barely feel it. She loves them and I think they are so cute! I actually had mine done too because I never wear earrings and had let mine close up. Nana gave me some small pearls and diamonds so that I can wear them every day and never take them out this time around. We got some jewelry in Mexico too and she said she’s excited to share. Such a fun thing for Mama and daughter to do together and I love this is something we can now share. 


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