Week Back Wrap-Up
We got back from Mexico late last Thursday and went right back to it. Matt and I both worked Friday and I had to show a couple of houses Saturday too. On Sunday we finally got a little rest but it was well needed before this week started. Matt worked passed when the kids were asleep so they hadn’t seen him since Sunday when they finally did this morning. 
(He went in a little later than usual so he could get some morning cuddles.) so sweet and they are really looking forward to the weekend with him. I’ve gotten 2 new client referrals so on top of working those, I also worked the food pantry at church yesterday and Wednesday was school picture day that I had committed to volunteer. It’s the one position that actually pays because each volunteer gets a free picture package. And bonus was that I got to see Kathleen in...
Her cap and gown! Sniff

And these kids went SWIMMING even though the water was about 40 degrees. Crazy kids!! They are ready for Christy’s pool to officially “open” for daily use and then we’ll be there everyday. It’s been a busy week but everybody is happy with what we’re doing. Plus like my Papa always said, “A busy person is a happy person!”
(He went in a little later than usual so he could get some morning cuddles.) so sweet and they are really looking forward to the weekend with him. I’ve gotten 2 new client referrals so on top of working those, I also worked the food pantry at church yesterday and Wednesday was school picture day that I had committed to volunteer. It’s the one position that actually pays because each volunteer gets a free picture package. And bonus was that I got to see Kathleen in...
Her cap and gown! Sniff
We also had soccer and art
And I babysat Josie twice to help Cara while her Mother-in-law is out of town.
And these kids went SWIMMING even though the water was about 40 degrees. Crazy kids!! They are ready for Christy’s pool to officially “open” for daily use and then we’ll be there everyday. It’s been a busy week but everybody is happy with what we’re doing. Plus like my Papa always said, “A busy person is a happy person!”
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