14 years

“Been doing this for 14+ years now... This is the way to my beautiful brides heart,   Aaaand some Roses. 🤗” 

This is the text my sweet husband sent his Mama tonight after he picked up dinner and roses on his way home. We did our main celebration Saturday because tonight was gymnastics and homework... but it’s incredibly sweet that he did this so I didn’t need to cook OR go to the store. He even peeled them! For the first 6 or 7 anniversaries we went on a big trip to Mexico or something. But once kids come that isn’t so easy during school time so you find romance where you can. And I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love him more today than when we said “I Do” 14 years ago. We had no idea what life would hold (still don’t!) but we always do it together. Happy Anniversary Matt!! 


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