Back to Reality Tomorrow

I know the girls are glad for us to be back, but they had a good week last week too. Pops came to stay while we were gone and I think they all 3 enjoyed it. He did the morning car line (and Aubrey told her Mom she would miss him because he’s hilarious 🤣), made sure Katie’s schoolwork and Lilli’s homework got done, he played catch in the backyard just about everyday, went to gymnastics and soccer, took them for ice cream…. He said it was very different than the last time he stayed alone with them (2 1/2 years ago) because they are pretty self sufficient now. None of them took any pics but they were all happy every time we called and didn’t have any complaints. Yaya is the one that brought them back from the camp last Sunday so they didn’t have to leave when we did. And she came last Wednesday and picked up Katie and they went to lunch, got manicures and pedicures, 

shopped and she took her to gymnastics and picked up dinner. We are very lucky to have such great parents that do so much for our girls. 

But I’m glad to be back to them! I got some one on one time with each of them Friday. Katie and I did a little school but then I watched all of her new gymnastics tricks plus we watched a movie together and read a few chapters in the latest book we are reading together.

That night, Katie went to Parents Night Out at gymnastics (she had asked to go) and I took Lilli to see a movie. (Matt stayed home and enjoyed the quiet ) it was great to get some time with each of them and get to hear about their week. 

Saturday, Matt and the girls worked in the garden while I helped from the hammock, and we ate crawfish that night with Cara and Luke at Crawfish Palace.

And today, Lillian had her 1st softball lesson. She hopes to play next year but you can’t go into middle school ball with no experience.

She did well for her 1st time and liked it so we’ll see how it goes! 
Back to reality tomorrow. I’m not ready for my 2 week spring break to end but I guess it has to sometime. 😉


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