It’s My Birthday!

Today is the actual day… a new decade… the Big 4-0. And it’s been a wonderful day! It started with a birthday text from my Mom

Now I know it wasn’t actually her but I like to believe it’s a sign. I wish I would have gotten a pic of the first time it came up as a banner because it looked like:

Happy, happy birthday!

On my Lock Screen. So crazy! I took a screenshot of the texts open to show she is programmed in my phone as Mrs. Glenda. I have NO IDEA why it would show as “Mom” on the banner but it made me cry happy tears to think maybe she really was telling me to enjoy my day. ❤️

Mrs. Sally, Mom and Mrs. Glenda- she sent me this pic today too. 

I got lots of other calls and texts from most of the family this morning as I drank my coffee and it was a nice way to start the day. I had a massage and facial booked at 9AM because a group of friends had gotten together to get me a gift card to Massage Envy. After that, the girls and I met Yaya and Hailey at a new Mexican restaurant for lunch.

We had cake there, a Lender dropped off a box of cupcakes to my office and Cara brought me a GIANT Oreo cake too. I see lots of cake balls in our future with leftovers 😊

After lunch, we met Heather and Ashley and their girls at Altitude for some spring break fun and so us Moms could catch up. We hadn’t had a face to face conversation since before Christmas so that was very nice! And I got more gifts of movie and coffee gift cards. They know my favorite things. 🥰

We’d originally planned to go out to eat with Cara and Luke, but between still being full from lunch and the rainy, cold weather, I asked if we could postpone. So she dropped off the cake but didn’t stay long. Matt made a grilled shrimp salad for dinner and we had a family movie night. It was a perfect birthday! Cheers to 40 years! 


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