Spring Break

My birthday week was also spring break so it was so nice to not have to teach and just enjoy my time with my girls. I tried not to work too much and get some downtime with them. We had a few plans with friends that unfortunately had to be canceled because Katie got sick. That’s the way it always seems to go, right? Nothing we have to do but have to stay home anyway. We went to the doc twice but it was just a sinus infection. She’d wake up with a temp of 101+ for days but as long as she had Tylenol, she felt fine so it was really hard to make her rest. 

She spent most of the week talking to Josey over FaceTime  (who was also on spring break- she is always so silly 😂) or watching movies with me, but it was impossible to stop the gymnastics altogether. I called it a win to keep her off the trampoline 😉 

Lilli is my homebody that had no complaints about the extra downtime. Her only other outing was service hours for National Honor Society to pack “geaux bags” and write notes of encouragement for foster kids in Louisiana that she went to with Ashley and Bridget

By Friday, Katie was better and we went to the deer camp to spend the weekend with the McCormicks. It was SO COLD on Friday and I don’t remember ever getting snow in mid March.

But it was worth it to have all the cousins together for the first time since Christmas. 

They stayed all weekend but Matt and I left after eating crawfish on Saturday so we could head to the Keys Sunday morning- but more on that later 😊


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