1st Day at the Sun Princess

We left at 5:15 yesterday morning for the long drive to Gulf Shores.  We didn't even make Lilli get out of her pjs but she jumped out of bed and hopped in the car and stayed awake excited about the beach for the first 6 hours.
We stopped for lunch about 30 miles from our house where Matt got the most amazing oyster platter he's ever had.  And that's a bold statement! I wish I would have gotten a picture of the food but I did get this sweet one of him and Lilli.
We pulled in the driveway about 2:30 and were so excited by what we saw. It's always a gamble when you book a place you've never seen online but we were not disappointed. It's very nice with a private pool and great deck. We've eaten every meal out there so far. We are not on the beach but the walk is short and easy to carry everything there. 

Lilli is warming up to the pool now that she's seeing her cousins playing in it.  She has NO fear of the ocean though.  I asked her as she was going to bed today what her favorite part was and she said "playing in the water." She spent hours playing in the surf and sand today.  The weather is forecast to be nice so I have a feeling we will be spending quite a bit of time there this week.

While Pops and I were running this morning we discovered that there is a restaurant, seafood market, and ice cream shop all about a 10 minute walk from the house.  So after our dinner on the deck, we all walked down for some dessert.  The moon was gorgeous tonight and it was such a nice way to spend the day.  Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.


  1. ooooooooooo....love that moon shot! Looks like all the babies and the 'big' peoples are having a great time!!


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