Cousins are so much fun!

Lilli and I went to Baton Rouge for 3 nights this week.  Nana was in Austin visiting the Keezels and Shoenfelts last week for her birthday so we decided to go this week and celebrate when she got home.  As an added bonus, GranJan drove her home and Andrew got to tag along.  Another kid to play with! We didn't do anything in particular while we were down there.  Monday night we had most of the family at Pops' house for dinner.  Most everyone came back for lunch the next day too.  After naps, everyone that could went over to Jen and Ryan's house for pizza and to let the kids play.  On Wednesday we tossed around idea for things we could take the kids to do that morning.  We looked around and all the kids were having a blast playing at the house so we decided not to mess with that! We got there at 9:00 that morning and they played nonstop (except for Lilli and Piper that did have a nap) until 8:00 that night.  Lilli woke up this morning and said "where are my cousins?" I know she hated to leave (I did too) but we sure were ready to come home to see Daddy!
The trampoline is always the most fun.

We even moved it closer to the table so the adults
could visit while we watched the kids

Daniel is so cool!

The kids love the water gun, the adults...
not so much

She was hungry!

Andrew, Piper, Daniel, Lilli and Anna

Playing water balloons

Jack loved it!

Even the big boys joined in.

Happy Birthday Nana!

Lilli put her face in the cake before we cut it!


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