Still having fun....

I didn't take enough pictures Wednesday to do a post by itself.  It was a fun day though.  We spent more hours at the beach that day than I think we had yet.  We got out there at 9:30 am and felt like we had a private beach

There was NO ONE there in any direction.  Some people showed up during the day but it never gets crowded.  That's one of our favorite things about this area.  I don't think we'll go back to a condo again.

Thursday morning me, Matt, Lilli, Pops and Michaelyn went to the Gulf State Park pier to watch the fishermen.  I think Lilli got a kick out of seeing the fish they caught and I know her Daddy did.

Blue herring waiting for a chance to steal some bait
Then we had to stop by The Souvenier Store and let Lilli pick something out to remember her trip before we met the rest of the family back at the beach.  We did a lot of playing in the pool yesterday too.  Lilli likes that more than the beach.  Partly because she doesn't have to get sandy but I think it's mainly because the waves have been pretty rough and she can't even really play in the surf.  It's funny because 5 days ago she was watching her cousins in the pool and wouldn't get in and now she's asking to go in all day.  She likes holding on to her Daddy's hands while jumping off the side and going underwater. 

After our dinner on the deck
We all headed back to the beach for a crab and "treasure" hunt.  Pops told all the kids about how sunken money from pirate ships washes up on the shore at night.  He must know what he's talking about because they all found at least a couple of dollars in quarters! Pops is so smart.  No luck on crabs because it started raining and we had a bunch of tired babies but I think they were ok with that.


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