Morning playdate at home

They were whispering as they ate their mac n cheese. 
We wondered what they could possibly be talking about and
Hunter's answer?... fruit cups.  Haha
Cara's sister, Allison, is babysitting a little boy that is Lilli's age.  We decided to get them together for a playdate today because I think they were both going a little stir crazy.  I pulled out all of Lilli's big toys and covered the room with things for them to do.  It was like Christmas morning for Lilli because I don't usually let her mess up the living room like that.  Poor deprived child. :) They played well together and I was glad she got to practice sharing her toys at home before "other Lily" (as Lilli calls her) starts coming over next week.
Cara, Allison, Carissa and I got to talk while we laughed at the two of them and ate chicken salad and angel food cake for lunch.  Playdates are more for the adults than the kids I think.


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