A 2nd Day of Fun!

We pretty much have our routine down now I think.  After breakfast, everyone heads to the beach and plays there until lunch time.  We eat and then play in the pool while the little two nap (although I think today almost everyone got at least a little nap) and then head back to the beach until it's time for dinner.  Not too bad! We planned ahead and had almost every meal cooked ahead of time and frozen but today was Matt's turned and treated everyone.  We had bacon wrapped duck breasts and I made black eyed peas, twice baked potatoes and yaya's olive cheese bread. 
I was so glad I remembered to take this before Matt
got too far in to it.
The kids are all loving the ocean and sand and Pops and their parents and aunts and uncles are having a great time playing with them too.  The weather is perfect.  The days are warm enough to want to sit on the beach and get in the ocean to cool off every once in a while but you never break a sweat.  And the evenings are cool enough to sit outside and have dinner on the deck.  Couldn't ask for anything better.


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