First Day of School

How is it possible??!! I have a 6th and 3rd Grader? A middle schooler? And 3rd grade is such a transition year and we will learn so much. Lilli was up bright and early to wait for the bus at 6:15 this morning. It finally showed around 6:40 but turned before our house so I ended up in carline. I’ve talked with the school so hopefully that’s worked out tomorrow and she’s riding it home today. It didn’t seem to stress her, but I know she must’ve been disappointed because she has been talking about riding the bus to meet people that live in the neighborhood.  She was nervous but I know she will do great! And I didn’t hate the extra hour I had with her. ❤️

 I love looking at the pictures through the years to see how they have grown. 

Katie may have had a later morning, but it was back to school for us too. We started a little later than normal because Gypsy had a vet appointment. We had planned to walk but she got stung by a wasp on her neck as we walked out the door. 😢 But the plus side of homeschooling is our start time got pushed to an hour later so she could have some Mama cuddles and wait for a Benadryl to help. She has grown so much too!! 

They were the last of the cousins to start but everyone else was at some point this week too. All of the “Craig” and McCormick kids are back at it and everyone had great first days. We’re ready for a new year!


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