That’s a Wrap

When Lillian goes back to school tomorrow morning, it will have officially been 517 days since she has been in a classroom that’s not in her house. That is a very long time to be together and I’m going to miss having her with me everyday. So, I wanted to get some one on one time with her before that day comes. We went to see a movie on Monday before meeting Yaya to go shopping. 

We went to Hobby Lobby because she wants to redecorate her room, and then to T.J.Maxx so that she has SOMETHING other than t-shirts from the beach and athletic shorts to wear 😉 Yaya took her home, but not before stopping by to hug Katie before her first day back to gymnastics.(Katie had been with Raegan all day who did a great job on her hair.)  It was a big day too!  Because she got asked to join the team developmental class that is invite only. She’s so excited!

We’ve had fun with friends during this last week too. 

We went to Splash Kingdom with Britney and Bridget over the weekend, had Lily and her brother over to swim yesterday, and went to Noah and Landry’s house to swim today. 

I left Katie to swim longer with Landry while I took Lillian for last minute pampering to get her nails done before she is officially a middle schooler. And then we had meet the teacher where she also dropped off supplies and got her spirit wear

She’s going back to art for the first time in over a month, 

and Katie is also starting a new gymnastics class at the same place, but will be doing Cheer/Tumbling. This is separate from the team development class but she wants to learn to do a back handspring and they focus on that. So Wednesdays will be a lot of back and forth but I’m glad they are back to doing the things they love! I know 2021-22 will be a great school year! 


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