Summer is Winding Down

We got to tour Benton Intermediate tonight and went to a parent meeting that told all about what to expect for the school year. Lillian is more than ready to be back in the classroom, and finally getting to see it in person was exciting! There’s about the same number of kids as Apollo, but only two grades so it feels very big. It looks like all of her classes are in one hallway though so that makes it easier and eased her nerves. I like that I’ll be able to picture where she is too. 

There will be no back to school for Katie because she will continue on at Little Garden Academy this year. We would let her go back if she wanted to of course, but she asked to stay home and she and I both enjoyed last year. Plus, I’m not sure that I’ve mentioned on my blog, but she was also diagnosed with a heart disease at the beginning of summer. 

(The 3 things the doc found) 
I’m not REALLY concerned but no way to hear things aren’t 100% normal and not worry at all. So I don’t hate letting one more year of Covid pass to be sure these new variants don’t become a bigger issue for kids. We’ll start her with a yearly appointment with a doc in Houston next year. I know I’ll feel better once he gives me his 2nd opinion that this is not cause for concern right now. 😊

We were supposed to be in Dallas at the Houston Anatole with the McCormick cousins right now but for several reasons decided to sit it out.

They are having fun though! Yaya and I are both a little wary of being in a hotel with Covid cases like they are, and I was always leaving early to go to the Benton parent night so they didn’t have a way home now either. So our 45 night sleepover count got taken down to a grand total of 43, lol. The girls were disappointed (I was too) but they weren’t sad so that tells me they were just as tired as me. I got that calendar back out because I knew there had been a lot but I was also curious to how many days of a break between we’d had. Since we left for the McCormick beach trip, we never had more than 4 days in a row without company at our house. And even that gap was only once. All the other times were 2-3 days. So tonight is the 5th night home from Covington and officially our longest break and we needed it! I was so tired I was starting to think there was something physically wrong with me and I needed to go to the doc, lol.  But I’m finally starting to turn around. We HAD to have this break before school. We had plenty of visiting time and the summer of 2021 will always be known as “Cousin Summer” to us. 
We had 20+ days with Austin and Josey

A couple of days we had all the McCormick kids together 

We saw Anna and Piper for a week and also two weekends

Spent time with the Keezel 2nd Cousins

And got time with the ones that don’t take a blood relation to consider family 

We’ve never been strangers to sleepovers but I think we only had friends 3 nights. The kids have been catching up with them over FaceTime during these couple of days we were supposed to be gone and we’ll see them tomorrow. There has been a lot of relaxing and arts and crafts too.

(Lilli took the base on left and made her dragon Halloween costume) 

We hated to miss the fun. But I can’t tell you how glad I am to be home and have a routine starting soon. ❤️


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