Gotta Get Back on the Horse

When the girls started riding lessons, I warned them that at some point they were going to fall off of that horse. Not to scare them of course, just the opposite, I wanted them to be prepared and hoped there were no injuries that came with the fall. Last Monday it finally happened and scared me to death but definitely could have been worse. 
The lesson started great. They were so excited because we hadn’t been in several weeks because Landan had Covid. They had gotten a new pony during that time that would not leave me and Katie alone. 

I was dealing with it eating my hair at the time so I didn’t see the actual fall but apparently Chica decided she wanted to cut in to a field instead of running straight and ran Lilli’s hip and leg right into a post. As she was coming down she cut her arm on barbed wire. 

It knocked the wind out of her really bad and her ribs hurt. Her left hip was visibly swollen and her elbow hit hard. Even with all of that, the first thing she said to me before I could see her injuries was, “Mom, I’m still not scared of her.” We made the decision to go to the Vivian hospital so that Katie could go to Yaya and Capn’s and hoped we wouldn’t have as long of a wait. It was a good decision because we only had contact with 3 people, none of which were other patients, and zero wait. In and out in 2 hours. We X-rayed her hip and elbow but luckily they were just badly bruised. She limped for days and needed 7 stitches in the cut but recovery only took about 5 days. Much better than the weeks I was expecting when I saw how much she hurt that night. She was so much better the next day I sent her this meme and never would have done that if she was still hurting really bad.

She was even up to swimming at Yaya and Capn’s when they stayed so Matt and I could celebrate our anniversary.

I thought about taking a break from riding until we got into more of a school routine, and had even told Landan that before the lesson. But after the fall, we decided it was more important for her to get back on quickly and she went back yesterday.

What she said to me after the fall was true and she hopped up with zero hesitation. We will go at least a few times and then take it from there. They love it so much but with Katie moving up in her gymnastics class and going twice a week

and Lillian also having art it may still prove to be too much but I’m glad she got back on for now.


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