Girls night and Sesame Street Live

Lilli and I have had a really nice 24 hours! Last night we got to have dinner with my cousin Kelly in Longview.  She lives in Dallas and we usually only get to see each other 3 or 4 times a year but we got a special treat yesterday.  She is working in Tyler this week so we decided to meet half way and get dinner together.  Matt couldn't join us becausae he wasn't home from work yet when we left so we got to have a fun girls night.  I know she is missing her family while she's away this week but Lilli and I sure were glad to get to see her.

Then this morning we got up and headed to the Centurylink center for Sesame Street Live! I took her last year too and she loved it then but she really loved it this year now that she's a little older.  We sang and danced for the whole hour and a half show.  I thought she might get tired of it but we stayed right up till the very end. Then we got a nice suprise that Hailey wasn't in school today and got to meet her for lunch.  I don't know what we're going to do tomorrow when it goes back to being just me, her and her daddy.  She's going to be bored! haha. At least Pops is coming this weekend....


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